Rabbi Todd Lesser
Why is being willing to give important? How is the Tabernacle relevant to us? Join guest speaker Rabbi Todd Lesser of Congregation Adon Olam in Greenville, South Carolina, as he recollects his journey with Beth Hallel and Rabbi E, and how we can learn from the Tabernacle’s role with the Israelites. G-d will dwell with us, so we can gratefully approach Him in our times of both need and abundance, and He will be there for us. Shabbat Shalom!
Exodus 25.2; 2 Corinthians 9.7; James 1.17; Psalm 37.25; Exodus 25.8-9; Romans 11.28; Romans 1.16; Exodus 25.22; Hebrews 4.16; Leviticus 17.11; Revelation 21.3-4
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