Shalom ben Reuvain
What holds you back from walking towards G-d? What fears can derail your calling? Join Shalom ben Reuvain as he reflects on the life of Beth Hallel’s founding rabbi, Rabbi Robert Solomon, and reminds us to be resolute in our pursuit of G-d’s callings for us. Be vigilant of fears or other struggles that can alter your pursuit of G-d’s will, and instead push forward with the help of the L-rd. May Rabbi E’s memory be a blessing.
Exodus 13.17-22; Hebrews 11.22; Genesis 50.24-26; Exodus 14.10-13; Exodus 16.25-27; Exodus 16.3; Exodus 5.6-7; Exodus 6.9; Exodus 15.11; Jeremiah 16.14; 1 Corinthians 10.1-4; Exodus 14.31; John 5.46
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